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The day of the run, September 30th, 2007, dawned warm (but not too warm) and bright. After doing a photo shoot with our own four kitties (Misty, Tarzan, Daisy and Singha) we headed into Chicago's Lincoln Park area.

PAWS had a very nice fair that included many sponsor booths, a main stage for the doggie costume contest, a dog obstacle course and refreshments. Pet owners could include their pets in the 4K walk (approx 2.5 miles). Runners were not allowed to include pets in the 8K run.

The run went very well. With the help of my friends, we raised $885!!

I finished in approximately 58th place out of 633 participants. My total time was 37:45, an average of 7:36 per mile -- not bad, though not great. The winner ran it in just over half the time it took me!

After the run, we hung out for a while then went over to their new adoption center to check it out.

Hope you enjoy the photos below.

John and Misty our 5 year old grey tabby

John and Tarzan our 19 lb tabby

Misty is 5 yrs old as of September 12th

Tarzan, 4 1/2 yrs old (May 28th) is 19 lbs but he is very gentle and loves to lay on Kathy's lap.

John and Daisy

John and Singha


Daisy is 1 1/2 yrs old (April 5th). She is a tabby and calico mix. We adopted her and Singha on the same day from Save-A-Pet.

Singha is a male -- just to be clear -- he is 1 1/2 yrs old (June 5th) and is a long hair tabby. He's the most sociable of all the kitties (among themselves). Actually, they're all scardy cats when we have guests.

John prior to the race

Cat on a leash
Hanging out prior to the race -- nice day with Chicago's skyline in the background and the Lincoln Park PAWS festival directly behind me.
A very well behaved kittie on a leash -- this was the only cat we saw there.

Some dogs

Three legged dog

This dog reminded Kathy a lot of our Singha.

This cute dog had only three legs but got around great.
The remainder of these photos are at the new adoption center on Clybourn Avenue.

PAWS adoption center

Kittie at adoption center
Senior cat on a cushion
Senior cat room
Another Kittie
Kittie on a climbing tree


Kitties on cushions
Kittie closeup
Dog on a cushion
Dog on a bed